Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fate *_*

有些時候...你會發現.. 你一開始最看不順眼的人竟然是你的好友...... 因為你發現了他的好....
有時候...你根本不想去認識一個人....你覺得無趣後來你卻發現...... 他是你想要認識的那種人...
有時候.....你非常喜歡一個人....但是你知道... 你們根本不能在一起... 愛你的人....你不愛... 你不愛的人..卻是那樣的愛你...
這複雜的習題卻又如此的跟著我們....解不開 算不清.....
像是一部公車...... 大家在這一站上車...... 又在另一站下車 事事總是充滿變數與未知......
曾經感情很好的朋友...... 即使感覺還在...... 可是大家都有自己的事情而疏離所以大家....
要珍惜每次都偶然邂逅....因為你根本不知道錯過了這次....你跟他會在哪個空間在相遇..... 也許 ....這是你們唯一一次的 相遇

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


hahaha ~ this is the description some1 decribe me ...kinda surpriesed when i found out what he wrote... cute ? naive ??? SMALL ?
玉(WaiYoke) ~ guy who write the chinese sentences above !
a net friend i know in friendster...
1st impression, he's steady but with abit distressed...
i tot he was a serious guy..till today~~i found ...he's kinda cute !!!!
the 1st chat, he just pla pla pla pla pla pla pla about his own encounter..
none stop ... n i m the 1 just reading n watching on the screen on wat he wrote..
he had ask me some Q, but i think i din really gave him the best so sorry bout that...
Actuali love is not the most important part in our life.. it will come, it wil go ...maybe it will stay forever with u~ but if ...when they come did hurt u..dun let it bit u down~~ try ur best to bit them back ~~ bcoz u r not alone... trust urself n express ur feeling out ... i know u can bcoz of who u r ~~
gambatteh !!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Working ...working ...working again ...

Pretend to busy ???
Pretend to work at Sunday ..
Pretend to work until ppl going to have supper
Pretend to work together with bread ...but other ppl having their delicious meal

Pretend ...hope so lease in front of them, i am busy ...but at the back i still can lay down enjoy my life....

1 MONTH pretend already .... fizikal n mental ...nearly blow up someone...T_T...
Stubborn to let myself not to sleep early....dont make any different

Sunday, July 09, 2006


今天早上8点起的床......... 突然感觉我的作息时间慢慢要靠近正常人了....起早的感觉真好............ 而且一觉起来头发居然很整齐.

早起心情很轻松.....感觉终于可以去面对美好充实的一天......今天的我应该有很多事情可以做.....我要慢慢激发起我生活的积极性 ^^ 我讨厌下午或者晚上起床.....尤其晚上醒来昏天黑地的.....刚睁开眼睛....压抑的一天又结束了.....很恐怖.....
我洗刷完......胡乱吃了个泡面.......接着看昨晚*GERMENY VS PORTUGAL* 的重播....果然不負眾望的......(3-1) 贏了.....但干嘛 Ballack 沒上場呢*Sign* 還好 Klose 有在..... 否則也未免太沒趣了...筆竟最後一場了嘛.... 再會了 FIFA WORLD CUP...
Itali vs Fran ....今晚凌晨沒興趣......

中午洗了澡..... 上网......忘记自己都做了些什么.....懒懒的.....裤没洗..... 吃过的碗也没刷...... 被子没叠.....朋友叫出去吃饭不想动......总之什么该做的事都没做.......懒.........

昨晚家里只有我一个人.....妈咪和爸都去dinner.....弟妹都個自找節目去了...... 本来很高兴.....想着可以自由一晚上.....结果被硬拉去看可怕的....*re-cycle*.....本來就怕嘛.....還特地選這類的戲....害我十只手指都不得空.....晚上還發惡夢啦.....可惡的壞蛋......還說是看superman....大騙子